Creating your first CodeFactory project

Creating a CodeFactory project requires several steps, including registering the first command. CodeFactory loads the target versions of SDK libraries directly from NuGet, which are automatically pulled down upon the first build of the project. The CodeFactory commands project is the main execution point for all automation, and the CFXPackager utility builds the CFX file used to run CodeFactory automation. To create a project, start Visual Studio, click on "Create a new project," search for "CodeFactory," select "CodeFactory - Commands Library," and name the project. The project and default folder structure will be displayed, including the Project, Dialog, Logic, and Template folders. To add a solution explorer project command to the project, right-click on the project folder, select "Add," choose "New Item...," select "CodeFactory" from Visual C# Items, select "Solution Explorer - Project Command," name the command file, and click "Add." An error message will appear since the CodeFactory SDK NuGet packages have not been downloaded into the project yet, but this is normal. Build the solution to trigger the pull of the NuGet packages, which will remove the syntax errors in the project command. The project creation process is complete.

Full detailed instructions with screenshots are available in our documentation site:

Creating a Project | CodeFactory Platform
